To Live is So Startling

The fourth factor is Rapture. (It is the third of the uplifting or energizing factors, Investigation and Energy being the other two).

“Rapture” is the classic translation for this factor (from the Pali word pīti). We might better understand it as aliveness or joyful interest. It is the mental state of happiness and delightful satisfaction that comes at a “eureka” moment—a gladness of the heart, in uncovering, or seeing clearly, bare truth. Emily Dickinson famously expressed this understanding in the words: “To live is so startling, there is little time for anything else.” Rapture (not to be confused with pleasure) pervades mental states with delight and happiness and brings a state of deep satisfaction.

What may be difficult is that awakening Rapture in our practice often requires that we look impersonally and directly at pain, without self-criticism or self-accusation. Through this process, we release resistance and unleash joy. We do not regard pain as “my pain,” but as universal. We are present in the mind with detachment. We energetically investigate what is really there rather than what we thought was there. We bring curiosity to the dynamics of the mind, untangling ourselves from conditioning to find our true aliveness.

According to the texts, the function of Rapture is to fill the mind and body with lightness, agility and energy. Coarse and uncomfortable sensations are naturally replaced with soft and gentle, smooth and light sensations.

You CAN realize rapture, joy and aliveness. It is a natural, unforced result of consistent and deep practice.