On the Noble Eightfold Path, the grouping of Integrity consists of wise speech, wise action and wise livelihood. While it is useful to focus on the individual parts of the path, it is important to remember that looking at the Eightfold path as a list of separate items is like thinking you can realize the full impact of a stream by analyzing its photograph.
Analysis and discussion of the snapshot of the stream is useful. We can break the scene apart. Learn about the bank, the water flow, and the stones. But the photo doesn’t capture the complex dynamic movement of the rushing, swirling water or the relationships among the earth, the water, the rocks, the air and you, the viewer. While a single visit to the stream allows the full experience, it takes many visits over years to see the effects of time and the dynamics of the elements. As with any complex system it is necessary to experience it over time to get a full sense of its real nature.
So, the eightfold path, like the stream, is a complex system. There are relationships among the individual elements both in the moment and over time. It is only in this complex context that we can understand and, more importantly, apply each step in our lives. Next week we will continue our exploration of the path with a look at wise livelihood, until then you can find our exploration of the first 4 steps (and of the Four Noble Truths) here.