The events of the past week, namely the bombings at the Boston Marathon, compel a reflection on how these teachings can guide us in responding wisely and compassionately to such terrible news. As I reflect on the teachings on the Factors that lead to Awakening, I am drawn to using them as a framework for developing a different perspective in relating to the news. We can use Investigation as leading us to an awakened viewpoint rather than our habitual mental spinning when listening to such horrific stories. All experiences, the material of our lives, are capable of being met on the Path. The Path can be joined with all events, whether their quality is pleasant, unpleasant or neutral. Can we see the mysterious nature of this life and world, the evanescent and ephemeral nature of all that is?
This second awakening factor, dhammavicaya, keen investigation of the Dhamma, asks us to not simply accept the teachings at face value but to investigate for ourselves things as they really are, in deeper perspective. We see through Investigation that our world is constantly changing, never the same from moment to moment. We also understand through Right Mindfulness and Investigation that everything in our universe is dependently arisen, subject to causes, conditions and effects. Through investigation, we see deeply the nature of phenomena and experience, through superficial levels to deeper cause and effect and the appearance and disappearance of all things.
Through this wisdom, our hearts open compassionately to the suffering of those who endure losses and to those whose conditioning leads to thoughts and deeds that have such terrible consequences.