We’ve discussed the Seven Factors of Awakening—first, mindfulness, then the three energizing (or arousing) factors, investigation, energy or effort, and rapture and finally the three stabilizing factors, tranquility, concentration and equanimity.
It is helpful to periodically review the presence or absence of these factors in your formal practice. For a period of two or three weeks, in the middle of each sitting, at a point when you feel relatively settled and attentive, look to see which of the factors are present, which are strong, and which are weak. Notice carefully what you see without any evaluation or judgment. Ask: in this sitting, is mindfulness strong or weak? Which of the three arousing factors are present? Are energy and effort there? Investigation? Rapture and interest? To what degree or strength has each of these qualities arisen? Then examine the three stabilizing qualities. Is concentration present? If so, is it weak or strong? Tranquility? Equanimity and balance?
Sometimes in the very act of our being aware of the presence or absence of qualities, they become more present or stronger. Notice if that happens as well. The factors of awakening are impersonal qualities arising out of certain conditions. When you observe that they are absent, see what conditions block them.
Getting a sense of how you can nourish these qualities in your practice without straining will enhance your ability to naturally call upon them, both in meditation and in daily life. May these factors of awakening be your constant companions.